Fincastle Embarks on Park Improvement Projects

December 7, 2022

The Town of Fincastle, Virginia, the County Seat of Botetourt County, recently received two separate funding opportunities for improvements to the Big Spring Park, located on Back Street in Fincastle. The historic park has served as a watering place from Indian days. The spring property was part of the land granted by King George III to Israel Christian, who included it in the original boundaries of Fincastle in 1770. The spring served as a watering stop for settlers during the western expansion time. The property is owned by the Town of Fincastle.

In 2020, the Town purchased an additional piece of property that connects to the back of Breckinridge Elementary School. The Town recently received two separate grant offers; one from the Virginia Outdoors Foundation and one from the Department of Conservation and Recreation.

This is a concept plan that was submitted in the grant application. Not all features are anticipated to be constructed at this time.

The grant from the Virginia Outdoor Foundation is for the creation of an outdoor classroom, pollinator garden and native orchard, and applicable signage. The grant from the Department of Conservation and Recreation is for the construction of a walking trail to connect the park to Breckinridge Elementary School, signage and kiosks. The trail, once completed, will be approximately 1/4 mile in length and will connect to the current walking track at the school.

The Town is currently seeking public input on the proposed project. The exact location of the amenities are not known at this point. Comments can be submitted to: Town of Fincastle, P.O. Box 250, Fincastle, or submitted by email to

Comments will be received through December 31, 2022.


P.O. Box 250
Fincastle, VA 24090


TOWN OFFICE (540) 473-2200

COURTHOUSE (540) 473-8220

VISIT US: Our office is open Monday- Thursday 8am-5pm and Friday 1pm-5pm