Notice of Planning Commission Public Hearing

Town of Fincastle and Fincastle Town Planning Commission Public Hearings

Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 15.2-2204 and 15.2-2285, this shall serve as notice that the Town of Fincastle Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on February 11, 2025, 7:30pm at the Fincastle Volunteer Fire Department located at 25 Vine Street in Fincastle. This hearing is for the purpose of soliciting public input on:

  1. A text amendment to the Town of Fincastle Zoning Ordinance definition in order to clarify the meanings of public and community utilities. And,
  1. The addition of a section (article VI, section 613) to the Town Zoning Ordinance for the purpose of describing the procedure for the process of appeals to a decision made by Town Council.

The Fincastle Town Council will then have a public hearing on these items on February 13, 2025 at 7:00pm at the Fincastle Public Library located at 11 Academy Street, Fincastle.

Copies of these proposals can be obtained by contacting the Fincastle Town office during regular office hours or by contacting Scott Critzer at 540 4733377 or the Town Manager at 540-473-2200.

Scott Critzer- chairman

Fincastle Planning Commission

Melanie McFadyen – Fincastle Town Manager


P.O. Box 250
Fincastle, VA 24090


TOWN OFFICE (540) 473-2200

COURTHOUSE (540) 473-8220

Our office is open Monday-Friday, 9-12; 1-5pm