Notice - Inventory of Water Pipes

Dear Valued Customer, The Town of Fincastle (Town) is working on meeting the requirements set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in their Lead and Copper Rule Revision (LCRR), but we need your help. As part of the LCRR, the Town, and all other drinking water providers, must develop an inventory of pipe material on public and customer owned service lines. We are asking you to identify the pipe material coming into your home and then report that information to the Western Virginia Water Authority (Authority). You can find tips on how to do identify the pipe material and also report your findings on the Authority's website at The Town and homeowners have a shared responsibility to protect the drinking water from lead sources. If you are interested in more information about the LCRR, it can be found at If you have already submitted your pipe material to the Authority, we thank you. Otherwise, please let us know what you find at


P.O. Box 250
Fincastle, VA 24090


TOWN OFFICE (540) 473-2200

COURTHOUSE (540) 473-8220

VISIT US: Our office is open Monday- Thursday 8am-5pm and Friday 1pm-5pm